
10 Year-Old Girl Arrested At School For A Drawing


A ten year-old girl was apprehended in Hawaii following an incident at an elementary school.

The ACLU and a lawyer stated that the girl’s rights were violated when she was detained and questioned without the presence of her mother.

Handcuffs were put on the girl, and she was transported to jail although she wasn’t charged with any offense.

The girl, who has ADHD, indulged in creating an offensive drawing of a classmate who was accused of bullying.

“We don’t want it to be about the drawing. This is about a 10-year-old black girl who was arrested. There was no reason to believe that she was violent.”

The ACLU also alleges that the mom, Tamara Taylor, was also detained by the school and wasn’t permitted to see her daughter.

The child was reunited with her mother at a police station.

It was stated that officers arrested the girl because she wasn’t being serious about the matter and wanted to know what jail was like.


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