
40 Employees Tested Positive For COVID-19 At An Irving Based Poultry Plant


COVID-19 infections have spread even further as we witness at least 40 workers at the Brakebush Bos. Inc Poultry Plant in Irving, that tested positive for the Coronavirus.
The food plant closed for four days in April to have a deep cleaning of the environment and to strengthen the employees safety measures since the outbreak began in mid-March.
Spokesperson Phil Trewyn stated that “Brakebush Brothers continues to encourage employees to alert supervisors if they are not feeling well and to seek proper health care.
The company, in addition to the normal paid-time-off policy, is providing paid sick leave to employees who have medically verified cases of COVID-19.”
Brakebush has made sure to follow protocols set by the Centers For Disease Control, this includes the home isolation and receiving appropriate medical care.

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