
Frontier Airline Suspected Black Woman of Human Trafficking


Lakeyjanay Bailey, a 20 year-old black woman, says that she was racially profiled as she traveled with her adoptive sister, who is white.

Officials,at DFW airport, questioned her about how she and the girl were connected after a Frontier Airlines fllight from Colorado. One officer asked the little girl if she knew the woman.

After Bailey and the 4 year-old responded to the questions, officers were still in disbelief. The officers walked behind her as she went to baggage claim. Then, they called her mother and a social worker to validate the connection.

Frontier Airlines said a passagener mentioned her concerns to a crew member and filled out a report. The captain then decided to report the issue.

“Air travel is one of the most common means for human trafficking. Race played no part in the actions of the flight crew who were following established protocols,” the airline said in a statement.

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