
Texas Football Player Faces Charges In Beating Of Deaf Student


A high school football player in Millsap, west of Ft.Worth, has been charged with assault. This is in relation to the beating of a deaf student.

18 year-old Trent Irwin, who uses cochlear implants, was at a sleepover with people he thought were his friends.

He was awaken to boys slapping him and talking to him. However, he couldn’t hear because he takes his hearing devices out at night.

When Trent went after one boy, 17 year-old Austin Gonzalez, Gonzalez body-slammed him and punched him in the face a couple of times.

A video recording revealed the aftermath of Irwin on the floor with blood coming down his face.

“I want to see the boys criminally punished, like they deserved to be. Because they’re a pack of animals. If you question that, watch the videos. They’re out there, like a pack of wolves,” Irwin’s father said.

The family lawyer wants adults punished too, including the owner of the home who is a teacher in the district.


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