
Officers Busted For Transporting Escorts


New York Police officers were busted in an undercover sting operation.

Ex-officers Thomas Diorio and Michael Sardone, of Queens, drove uncover police officers around, believing that they were prostitutes and they would get money.

On three different instances, in April and May, Diorio and Sardone picked the escorts up. They drove them to and from hotels in Manhattan and Queens.

In April, the officers were given $4,000 for their services. Weeks later, they were paid $2,000 for the same thing.

During the operation, an undercover cop told the officers that she was connecting with a new customer. Therefore, they would need to get a room in case things went wrong.

Later on, they dropped the fake working girls off. Sardone then got a message saying to come up to the room because the clients said they weren’t going to pay. They then urged the customers to pay up.

Diorio was terminated in August. Sardone retired before he could be reprimanded.

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