
TikTok Famous Dog Throws Dramatic Tantrums When Hungry


Lizzie Colden’s 2-year-old Staffordshire bull terrier, Alfie, has become famous on TikTok for being dramatic.

Alfie is seen on the clip tapping his food and water bowls as he impatiently waits for his dinner.

Colden is a business consultant and lives in Warwickshire, England with Alfie and her other dog, 5-year-old Arya.

“Alfie’s very dramatic. He’s a massive diva,” she said. “This happens when I don’t feed him on exactly the right time.”

“He does this quite often. He’s always doing something a bit crazy,” she continued. “He’ll bang his bowl really dramatically when he wants food, even though he’s fed regularly already.”

She jokes that Arya is her angel dog, while Alfie is the funny one of the two dogs. And, if nothing else, his behavior gives Colden some canine comic relief.

“He’s got a really funny little character,” she said. “It’s really nice and, actually, there’s a couple of people who’ve been saying, ‘I’ve been having a really tough time and your video really cheered me up.’”

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