
Eddie Murphy Paid The Funeral Expenses For His Hero, The Late Redd Foxx


The late comedian Redd Foxx was most-known for his role on “Sanford and Son” as he played Fred G. Sanford.

He had wed four times but didn’t have any children. By the time his life was over, comedian, actor Eddie Murphy was the only person he had.

Redd owed the IRS $755,166.21 in back taxes, in 1989. His property in Las Vegas was taken as he made $15,000 to $20,000 a week when he was featured at the Hacienda Hotel on the Vegas Strip.

However, Redd thought the IRS wanted all the money he made from the movie “Harlem Nights,” which was $500,000. He had said that the IRS was upset at the money he made for making the film.

Redd didn’t agree with what he was required to pay which he said was $20,000 a week.

Not only did the IRS take Redd’s residence, but they also took his vehicles, furniture, and even attempted to take his dog-house. However, it was too large.

He had once made $4 million a year, but he spent it unwisely. He took one of the biggest hits when he was ordered to pay $300,000 to his third wife in a divorce.

Reportedly, Redd was upset that many of his Hollywood friends hadn’t come to his rescue. However, he was shocked when many of his fans did.

Initially, Red had contacted Eddie Murphy who he became close to during the making of “Harlem Nights.” However, he said that he never heard back from him.

Eventually, Murphy says that he heard about Redd’s problems with the IRS. He and his team then worked with the IRS to to assist Redd with his debts. Eddie even made a sitcom, “The Royal Family,” and placed Redd at the star character.

In 1991, Redd died of a heart attack.

Eddie remembered his passing. “I had to physically pay for his funeral. I had to buy his headstone and do all that stuff.”

Murphy stated that he never found out if the IRS ever got all the money they were due.

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