
Lisa Cook to be The First Black Woman on The Federal Reserve Board


Lisa Cook will serve on the Federal Reserve’s board of governors, making her the first Black woman in the 108-year history.

The senate approved her nomination after a republican and democratic split vote of 51-50. Vice President Kamala Harris casted the final tie-breaker vote.

Republicans argued that Cook isn’t qualified for the position and doesn’t have the experience needed. They also claim that a statement she previously made, proves she is not ready to tackle inflation.

Republicans are focusing on making inflation a top campaign issue.

Cook went to the University of California, Berkeley where she received her doctorate in economics. During the majority of her career, she’s been a professor of economics and international relations at Michigan State since 2005.

She was also on the White House Council of Economic Advisers as a staff economist in 2011. In addition to these noble positions, she is currently President Biden’s transition team’s advisor on money related policies.

Biden nominated five individuals for the fed. Cook is only the second nominee to win Senate confirmation.

President Biden called on the Senate early Tuesday to approve his nominees. He reassured everyone, “I will never interfere with the Fed,” he added. “The Fed should do its job and will do its job, I’m convinced.”

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