
Two Women Charged With Murder After Woman’s Remains Discovered In Dallas County


The remains of a 26-year-old woman were found a year after she had gone missing. As a result, last week, arrest warrants were issued for two women for their supposed parts in the killing.

35-year-old Alexis Pryor and 38-year-old Frances Martinez have both been charged with capital murder in the death of Sidney Palmer. Pryor and 42-year-old Joel Perez have also been charged with abuse of a corpse in relation to disposing her body.

Palmer had been in a relationship with Perez before. Authorities say that he had just begun to date Pryor at the time of the murder.

The charges come four months following Palmer’s remains being located on Aug. 7, in a field near Lancaster, Texas. Documents show that the coroner wasn’t able to determine the cause or manner of her death. However, one suspect is said to have told police that she had been suffocated.

A review of cell phone records, social media messages, and talks with the suspects and at lest one witness resulted in the arrests.

Authorities believe that Palmer died close to a year prior to her remains being discovered. This was just a day before her mother had filed a missing person’s report.

While looking through Perez’s email, authorities found messages that Palmer had sent “expressing her love and desire to continue the relationship.” It was also found that Palmer and Pryor had problems with each other.

A witness told police that she had taken Palmer to Perez’s home. Perez told detectives that he put Palmer’s body in Pryor’s vehicle since she was unconscious because of drug use. He stated that Pryor and Martinez took her to Pryor’s home in Mansfield where they killed her. The next day, all three suspects took Palmer’s body to a field.

On Dec. 13, Pryor willingly told investigators that she drove Palmer, who was unconscious, to her home on Sep. 8. 2021. She was going to strike her with a propane tank, but Martinez had stated that would be “too messy,” prior to putting a plastic bag over her head and choking her.

Pryor was placed in the Dallas County Jail that day while Martinez and Perez had already been in custody for other offenses.

All three suspects remain in custody. Pryor and Martinez’s bail was set at $1 million each as Perez’s bail totaled $302,000.

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