
Age Verification Will Now Be Required To Watch Porn In A New Law That Has Taken Effect


Last year, HB 142 passed in Louisiana which would require age verification for websites that have 33.3% or more of pornographic content.

This will now be implemented in that state as the new year has begun.

“Pornography is destroying our children, and they’re getting unlimited access to it on the internet. So, if the pornography companies aren’t going to be responsible, I thought we should go ahead and hold them accountable,” said Laurie Schlegel. She is the Republican State representative, from Metaire, who passed the bill.

Schlegel states that websites will have to verify someone’s age in connection with LA Wallet. Therefore, if the websites are used, this app will have to be downloaded by users.

If a user can’t access LA Wallet, there are other websites that can be utilized to verify a person’s age. It is reported that most companies won’t keep personal information once the verification is finished.

“It doesn’t identify your date of birth, who you are, where you live… It just returns that age to say that yes, this person is old enough to be allowed to go in,” said one project expert.

Each website will be held accountable in ensuring that age verification is completed when accessing their platforms in Louisiana. If not, their will be consequences for not abiding by the law.

Schelgel cited that issues like depression, erectile dysfunction, lack of motivation, and fatigue are directly connected to porn. She added that this law is important in order to prevent these problems from happening at a younger age.

Additionally, in Washington D.C., there is now a legislature that is reviewing how to implement this process nationwide.

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