
Wills Point Police Officer Fired After Altercation With Family Member


On Wednesday, a police officer in Wills Point, Texas, was apprehended and terminated from his job.

30-year-old Officer Christopher Tomlin was off duty when he was discovered to have been a part of a physical altercation with a direct relative inside the city of Wills Point. Police answered to the scene and investigated the matter.

Tomlin was apprehended and charged with continuous violence against the family member. He was placed and held in the Henderson County Jail on a $25,000 bond until he was released on Thursday, March 14.

Because Tomlin is an employee of the city of Wells Point, the Van Zandt County Sheriff’s Office Criminal Investigation Unit was contacted to conduct an outside investigation.

At the same time, the police department conducted an internal affairs investigation to see if Tomlin had violated any city and/ or department policies.

It was then determined that Tomlin had violated several departmental guidelines, and due to the seriousness of the violation of those guidelines, Tomlin was fired from the department on March 13.

After the Van Zandt County Sheriff’s Office finish its criminal investigation, an arrest warrant was signed for the criminal charge of continuous family violence, which is a third-degree felony, against Christopher Lee Tomlin.

The department has noted that Tomlin’s actions are entirely unacceptable and will not be tolerated.

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