
Abusive Mother And Boyfriend Arrested After Twins Escape Texas Home


On Tuesday morning, a twin brother and sister were transported to a hospital. This was after escaping their abusive home, in Cypress, Texas, authorities say.

40-year-old Zaikiya Duncan, and her boyfriend, Jovan Terrell, 27, have been charged with injury to a child. They were apprehended in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, after leaving Texas with their other five children. This put an Amber Alert into action. They were set to be sent back to Harris County on Thursday.

Authorities say that the 16-year-old twins went knocking on neighbors’ doors, searching for assistance.

A neighbor opened her door at about 5:30 a.m.

“When they came inside, they were like, ‘We are not here to hurt you.’ She was shaking with her handcuffs. ‘We are looking for help. Just need help. Our mom had us handcuffed in the laundry room.'”

Right away, the kids said that they hadn’t eaten in over a week and were starving. The neighbor provided them with a snack which she says that ate all of.

She said that the children had been barefoot, cold, and extremely skinny. They had told her that they had been made to stay in a feces-filled laundry room. There, they had to urinate and defecate because their mother wouldn’t let them use the restroom.

The woman, an ICU nurse, took images of the bruises on the twin’s body. She observed that they had lacerations on their wrists due to the handcuffs.

The teens gave the woman more details regarding their abuse. They even mentioned how they tried to escape the day before. However, their mother had caught them.

“They complained about being stiff from being in one position in the laundry room,” the neighbor added.

The woman contacted the police department, and the children were then transported to a medical facility.

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