
Dallas County Reports 708 New Cases Of COVID Thursday And 387 Deaths


Dallas County reported its highest count of COVID Thursday with 708 new cases.
This is the first time a North Texas county reported over 700 cases in a single day.
Thursday’s count brought the total to 22,590.
Seven additional deaths brought the total to 387.
The deaths were of those over the age of 40 with underlying health issues.
The state of Texas reported its highest number of cases reported Wednesday with 8,076 cases and more than half the cases since June 1 have been in people between the ages of 18 to 39.
Judge Clay Jenkins said in a statement that
“Today we reached 700 new COVID-19 cases for the first time and 387 total deaths. It took 92 days to reach 300 COVID-19 cases and it has taken 22 days since then to reach 700. The situation we have right now is significant and accelerating community spread. We cannot afford another statewide letdown in our strong, personal responsibility COVID-19 protection choices, so this 4th of July, celebrate with your nuclear family and avoid crowds and extended family gatherings.”


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