
Dog Saves Owner’s Life During Mountain Lion Attack


A dog is recovering after saving her owner from an attack from a mountain lion. Erin Wilson and her dog, a 2-year-old Belgian Malinois, Eva, were taking a stroll, close to a river in California.

The mountain lion growled at her, tore through her jacket, and injured her shoulder.

As Wilson called out to Eva, the 55-pound dog ran and struck the mountain lion pretty hard. The animals fought for a few minutes before Wilson heard her dog crying.

Wilson attempted to stop the commotion by punching the cat and hitting it with rocks and sticks. Because the cat wouldn’t let go of Eva, Wilson retrieved a tire iron from her car and illicited help from drivers passing by.

After a woman stopped to help, they hit the mountain lion with a pipe and had to use pepper spray. That’s when the cat finally let go, and Eva ran to Wilson’s vehicle.

When Wilson examined Eva, she noticed injuries to her face and blood pouring from her mouth. On the 90-minute ride to an emergency vet hospital, Eva experienced convulsions.

After an evaluation, the dog is said to have had 2 fractures in her skull, a puncture wound into her sinus cavity, and a swollen eye. Eva is now recovering.

Wilson created a GoFundMe page to assist with Eva’s medical expenses. So far, over $21,000 has been donated.

“My dog is my hero, and I owe her my life,” Wilson stated. She added that the extra money that is donated will go towards “Malinois rescues, big cat rescues, and predator management groups.”

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