
Family Sues Funeral Home After They Bury The Wrong Body


Children of a woman in New York warned a funeral home that the woman they were about to bury wasn’t their mother.

Sadie Williams died on August 17. Now her 11 children have filed a $88 million lawsuit against Joseph A. Slinger-Hasgill Funeral Home in Amityville.

They hired the business to hold a traditional Muslim funeral. This requires burial within 3 days of death.

On August 19, Salimah Lee, Sadie’s daughter, told Joseph Slinger, the funeral home director, that the corpse wasn’t her mother’s. Siblings had noted that her nails weren’t the same, a burn mark was in the wrong place, and a mole was missing.

Slinger responded that it was thier mother, but the embalming fluid had altered her appearance.

On August 20, funeral services were held. Afterwards, Sadie’s body was “abandoned” in the morgue of the funeral home.

The following day, Slinger revealed the mistake. The other body was going to be exhumed so that Sadie could be buried. It took 22 days.

The family has claimed “severe mental, psychological, traumatic injuries.”


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