
Houston Family Kicked Off Southwest Airline Flight After 3 Year Old Son With Autism Refuses To Wear A Mask


A Houston mother of two says her and her two children were kicked off of a Southwest Airline flight Monday after she refused to put a mask on her 3 year old son with autism.
The family was traveling back to
Houston from Midland when the flight they were on returned back to Houston because her son refused to wear a face covering.
The mother, Alyssa Sadler says her son did not have to wear a mask on the flight leaving out and did not understand why he had to wear one coming back.
Sadler said her son has a sensory processing disorder and doesn’t like his face touched. Alyssa also had a note from the boy’s doctor about his condition but she said that didn’t make a difference.
Southwest Airlines requires all children over the age of 2 to wear a face mask no matter the circumstances.
In an email released they said, “If a customer is unable to wear a face covering for any reason, Southwest regrets that we are unable to transport the individual.”
The mother and her two children drove back to Houston Thursday.

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