
Michigan Father Outraged After 7 Year Old Biracial Daughter’s Hair Is Cut By A Classmate And Teacher


A Michigan father is outraged after he had to transfer his 7 year old biracial daughter to a different school, because her hair was cut on two separate occasions by a teacher and student.
Jimmy Hoffmeyer, who is the father of Jurnee Hoffmeyer said his daughter returned home from school on March 24 from Ganiard elementary and told her father a classmate had cut the right side of her hair on the school bus.
Hoffmeyer said he took his daughter to a local hair salon and had her hair styled in an asymmetrical cut until her hair grew back.
Well a few days later Jurnee returned home from school again with the left side of her hair cut off.
When asked what happened Jurnee said the library teacher cut her hair.
Hoffmeyer said he tried to contact the school multiple times but got no response.
After several attempts an assistant finally contacted Hoffmeyer back and apologized about the incident. She told her that due to it being spring break there was no one to speak with and that the principal would contact her after spring break was over.
On April 5 Mr. Hoffmeyer received a call from the principal and was told that the librarian would receive marks on her report but they did not have the authority to do anything further.
The Mount Pleasant School District superintendent Jennifer Verleger, reached out to Mr. Hoffmeyer about 45 minutes after getting off the phone with the principal and apologized and offered to send Jurnee, a 7 year old little girl an apology letter.
The school district is now reviewing all evidence video surveillance, as well as conducting interviews with students and teachers to handle the situation.


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