
Mother Charged With The Death Of Her 9 Year OId Son After He Is Found Dead In A Miami Canal


Mother is being accused of killing nine-year-old Alejandro Ripley in southeast Miami-Dade County by detectives and prosecutors.
Forty-five-year-old Patricia Ripley had told officers that two men had kidnapped her son, but when she arrived at Turner Guilford Knight Correctional Center, she was charged with attempted premeditated murder and first-degree murder. She is currently being held without bond on Saturday.
Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle from Miami-Dade says that the mother lied about her son being kidnapped. She stated that there was a video found by the detectives showing her push little Alejandro into a Canal at 103rd Avenue and Kendall Drive, Thursday at  7:30 p.m.  Witnesses had also rescued him the first time.

The next location the murder had taken place was at another canal at Southeast 62nd Street and 138th Court. She had admitted to Detectives that she had been driving around that area at 5:330 p.m. and pushed Alejandro into the canal and he died at Miccosukee Golf and Country Club.
Fernandez Rundle stated that “This time, unfortunately, there was no one there to save him.”
Alejandro Ripley had been an autism spectrum disorder patient. He was a non-verbal child and his mother was supposed to be his voice stated by the Miami-Dade Police Department Director Alfredo Ramirez III.
Patricia Ridley stated in her confession that “He is going to be in a better place.”
Alejandro’s father was in tears when she appeared at Miami-Dade court, Saturday.
Antoinette Uribe told authorities that she knows the Ripley family because their children had both attendant Therapy Center in the Country walk.
She stated that “He was the world to his parents.”
Friday afternoon, Antoinette was among the dozens of people who went to the Memorial Service for Alejandro at the Friendship Circle of Miami, a nonprofit organization that offers services for children with special needs. All those who had attended remembered Alejandro as a sweet and happy boy.

Uribe and others were convinced that two evil men had abducted and killed  Alejandro Thursday at 8:40 p.m., while investigators were still on the case.

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