
New Bill Signed In Texas Limits Abortion Medication


On December 2, a new abortion law will go into effect in Texas.

Last week, Governor Abott signed a bill that limits the use of abortion medication after seven weeks of pregnancy. The medicine also can’t be sent through the mail at all.

Proponents of the bill say that it will protect women’s health by ensuring doctors are watching over patients in-person with ultrasounds.

However, opponents of the bill say that it will just cause women who want abortions to just go other places without supervision.

In 2017, medication abortions were used 39% of the time in these situations. The method has been around since 2000.

This new bill is added to the September 1 law that went into effect banning surgical abortions in Texas.

A lawsuit has already been filed in the United States Supreme Court challenging the new bans.

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