
No Criminal Charges In Death Of Woman Who Attended Adult Sleepover


Tamia Horsford, 40, died in suburban Atlanta at an adult slumber party in 2018. It was determined to be accidental after she fell over a second-story balcony.

The case was closed, but it was brought back in 2019 because of racial tensions after George Floyd’s murder. Now, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation has finished their second investigation and has chosen not charge anyone criminally.

Horsford’s family wanted the GBI to investigate the inconsistencies in the medical examiner’s report. The report documented that her death was caused by “multiple blunt force injuries.” It also stated that alcohol pensioning was a contributor. Her blood-alcohol level was .23, nearly three times the driving limit in Georgia. Evidence of marijuana and Xanax were also in her system, the report noted.

Horsford was discovered face down in the backyard of Jeanne Meyer’s home after the overnight party.

“Our sympathies remain with those who suffered this tragedy, a sheriff stated.

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