
Sparks Police Officer Sues For $1 Million In Damages After Being Suspended For Post Made To Social Media


A police officer in Sparks, Nevada has accused the city of violating his right to free speech. The officer is seeking $1 million dollars in damages.

The city states he initiated threats to BLM and other activist groups. Moreover the lawsuit states that the city allegedly violated his First Amendment right when he was punished for his personal views he expressed on his social media account.

Sparks City Council decided by vote to acquire independent counsel. This will better defend the city against the federal lawsuit filed by George Forbush in April.

Forbush is a bomb squad technician who has been on the force for 19 years.

A few of his posts recorded from Twitter indicated that he said he would toss gasoline on protestors. Furthermore planning “to build a couple of AR pistols just for BLM, Antifa, and active shooters who cross my path and cant maintain social distancing.”

“A public employer may not discipline or retaliate against its employees for the content of their political speech as private citizens on matters of public concern, according to the lawsuit filed in U.S District Court in Reno, Nevada.


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