
Teacher Throws Hockey Stick At Second Grader, Knocking Out His Tooth


A Minnesota second grade physical education teacher, Kim Neubauer, threw a hockey stick at a student knocking his tooth out.

Surveillance video shows students placing hockey sticks in a pile on March 28. When 8 year old Easton placed his in the pile, Neubauer picked it up and threw it back at him, knocking out his tooth. The root and gums of Easton were severely damaged. Neubauer also busted his lip with the hockey stick.

Neubauer was placed on unpaid leave for the remainder of the school year on April 8. As of June 3, the Minnesota school district had terminated her.

Easton’s parents were outraged that no one had filed a police report. The Minnesota Department of Education claimed that Princeton Police denied investigating the incident.

Police Chief Todd Frederick was told the incident was accidental. After the footage was reviewed by an assigned police officer, the incident was no longer considered accidental.

Police will submit the case to the county’s attorney’s office to pursue criminal charges.

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