
University Of Tennessee Makes Young Boy That Was Bullied For Wearing Homemade Shirt Official Logo


Spirit week at a collegiate school in Altamonte Springs, Florida this past week has produced a roller coaster of emotions . Laura Snyder, a teacher in Altamonte, had a student elated to support his favorite college team, The University of Tennessee. The student didn’t have a school shirt so Snyder volunteered the idea he wear an orange shirt. “He told me every day leading up to it that he had an orange shirt that he was going to wear. So when the day finally arrived, he was SO EXCITED to show me his shirt. I was impressed that he took it one step further to make his own label,” Snyder’s post read.”
Shockingly, Snyder noticed the student crying after lunch break at his desk. Upon asking what happened, he responded “Some girls at the lunch table next to his (who didn’t even participate in college colors day) had made fun of his sign that he had attached to his shirt.” she wrote.
” He was DEVASTATED. I know kids can be cruel, I am aware that it’s not the fanciest sign, BUT this kid used the resources he had available to him to participate in a spirit day.” Snyder continued.
Snyder was moved by the issue so she would purchase the student a shirt but she also took to Facebook in an attempt to reach out to someone at the University of Tennessee. Her prediction was exceeded. Her student was overwhelmed with joy when the university sent a box packed with “swag” so the student would always have Vol pride and included special news that the students design would be an official school shirt.
‘“I’m not even sure I can put into words his reaction. It was so heartwarming. My student was so amazed at all the goodies in the box. He proudly put on the jersey and one of the many hats in the box,” Snyder shared in a newer updated post.
“When I told him that his design was being made into a real shirt and people wanted to wear it, his jaw dropped. He had a big smile on his face, walked taller, and I could tell his confidence grew today! Thank you to the UT Nation for that!!”
The University of Tennessee’s official shop confirmed the news in a tweet announcing that a segment of the proceeds will go to an anti-bullying foundation. Despite the cruelty the boy received, he couldn’t wait to share some of the “swag” he had received with his fellow classmates. “My student got to pass out UT swag to his classmates. They were ecstatic!!” she said. “While the kids were filling water bottles and waiting to water down their towels, it made this teacher so proud to see the kids congratulating my student. High fives, hugs, pats on the back could be seen from the kids. This experience is uniting my class even more than I could have imagined, and it was truly amazing to witness!!”
Snyder, a Florida State Seminoles fan herself, said thrilled to wear her student’s design.

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