Video from #LouConner:
I am a TRUE animal lover. And I cannot accept this. How Could you love a person like THIS calling Animal Control!!!!!!!!!!
The police did come and take her and the dog.
This in oak cliff on Ledbetter and Houston School RD, Dallas, TX.
I can’t watch but I would beat the hell out of this bitch. I’ve done it before to a man abusing his dog. She should have been arrested.
Omggggg thats so sad🥹🥹🥹i hope that the dog is ok.
That boils my blood! Someone needs to do the same to her!! Animal abusers need harsher punishments!
I absolutely could not watch the whole video!!! Disgusting!
I would have called the police, and showed them the video of this stink Bitch!
That’s horrible. I hope they punish her to the fullest extent.
Omg may God not have mercy on her soul dirty ass human .i love dogs.
evil witch be healed in JESUS CHRIST NAME!
I’m a dog lover hiw could she be so mean lock her up
Im not particularly a dog lover but this is horrible and she should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law….If you cab abuse an animal,you can abuse a child…
That is a shame they need to be treated the same way.
This bitch should be fed canned dog food for a month. The crappiest brand out there.
Animal abuse. So sad! I pray she get what she deserves!
Ole funky bitch(and I have to very heated to call a woman this)but this bitch needs to be slung up against them steel doors of a prison like this…..I pray that fur baby is ok!!
Wow what has the world come to ?
I Hope that bitch in jail or somebody licking her ass poor fur baby
Wow a animal gonna do what a animal is supposed to do ! Only this board think they full understand her yelling! Hell if they can lock up that football player i wanna see her ass get the same business! Hell even i got a 2000 dollar ticket because my dog would jump the fence and terrorize the neighbors cat and chickens and I couldn’t defend her when she brought the cat head to the porch so i let them take her she was lab mixed with pit so we talking about lassie unhinged smart and crazy! But anyway she deserves to get her ass beat for treating that dog like that ! Prison time
Keep her 💯 she unfit for this world glad she didn’t have no kids around she would have did them like that too , i hate this for that poor dogs make me look out extra close for my dogs and ppl like her