- So, Trump’s approval sinks and hits a low that Obama never hit!
President Donald Trump’s approval rating drops to a low of 37 percent and that is lowest of any other president in recent history.
Donald Trump’s approval rating has dropped to a unbelievably new low, according to the latest Gallup poll.
The Gallup poll, tracks Trump’s daily approval and disapproval ratings, as of Sunday only 37 percent of Americans approve of the work Trump is doing. Meanwhile and outstanding 58 percent of Americans disapprove which is also a new high!
Donald Trump’s 37 percent approval rating is the lowest of any other president in recent history. During the same time in their first terms, President Barack Obama was at a 63 percent approval rating, George W. Bush was at a 58 percent approval, Bill Clinton was at a 53 percent approval, George H.W. Bush was at a56 percent approval, Ronald Reagan was at a 60 percent approval and Jimmy Carter was at a 75 percent approval rate.
It’s not clear what the cause of the extreme drop off.