Four Staff Members In Corsicana ISD Resign Following Allegations Of Improper Retraint Methods Used On Students

Following an administrative investigation finding that improper restraint methods were used on students, four Bowie Elementary staff members are no longer a part of the Corsicana Independent School District.
Not too long after receiving information about the use of restraint, the staff members were put on administrative leave, pending the district’s investigation. Additionally, parents of the affected students were quickly notified as well as, outside law enforcement and regulatory agencies.
The Navarro District Attorney’s office was immediately notified by the CISD police about the matter. The affected staff members have resigned from their positions, and the district has submitted notifications to the State Board for Educator Certification.
“We take these types of situations very seriously. We will continue to cooperate with the D.A’s office and continue to put our students first,” stated Superintendent Stephanie Howell.
The adults who were involved in the incident included one teacher and three paraprofessionals. Because of the legal protections surrounding personally identifiable student details and because of the pending investigation, other information has not been disclosed at this time.