
4 Teenage Boys Take A Plea Deal After Throwing A Rock On Freeway And Killing A Man


Four out of five Michigan teenagers that were charged with murder after throwing a rock on the overpass that killed a man accepted a plea deal on Monday.
The incident occurred back in October of last year when 5 teenagers threw a rock on Interstate 75 and killed Kenneth White,32.
All five teenagers were originally charged as an adult with second degree murder, conspiracy to commit second degree murder, six felony counts of malicious destruction of property and two counts of misdemeanor malicious destruction of property.
The four teens Mark Sekelsky,16 Mikadyn Payne,16 Trevor Gray,15 and Alexander Miller,15 accepted a plea deal Monday and had their charges reduced to manslaughter and all other charges were dropped against them.
Kyle Anger,18 was not in court with the boys Monday due to his attorney having a family emergency.
He is scheduled to appear in court next week.


  1. ??????????They Threw 20 rocks from an Overpass last week and Killed a Man if they were Blacks the screams will be heard in heavens for the DEATH PENALTY IN ALL THE NATIONAL MEDIA NO BULL SHIT!!!!.????

    1. As long as people continue to throw the race card into every incident race will continue to be an issue. Once race is no longer mentioned it will be forgotten and it will no longer be a factor.

  2. ??????????They Threw 20 rocks from an Overpass last week and Killed a Man if they were Blacks the screams will be heard in heavens for the DEATH PENALTY IN ALL THE NATIONAL MEDIA NO BULL SHIT!!!! BECAUSE THEY ARE WHITE IS NO MEWS.????

  3. I’m sure the teens have heard of similar incidents where throwing rocks or whatever onto the overpass has caused a fatalities. So they knew exactly what they’re doing and what kind of harm it could cause. Common sense tells you that. They should suffer the consequences that anyone else has regardless of their race or nationality. That’s the problem. They’re not being fully held accountable for their actions, the rules don’t apply to them. That is my biggest pet peeve. It has to be equal!! “Equality “

  4. these young men knew the difference between right and wrong and what is the difference… if it’s a man of 30 or these young men doing the same thing… IT WAS WRONG… they killed a human being and consequences need to be addressed for the crime they committed…i think they should serve time… they committed murder any way you want to look at it… murder is murder…. give these guys something to ponder about why they did what they did… what if that was your loved one that they killed… what would you expect or want…

    they took a father, son, brother away for their family… his 4 kids will never know there dad ever again….this was a senseless act

  5. these young men knew the difference between right and wrong and what is the difference… if it’s a man of 30 or these young men doing the same thing it was wrong… they killed a human being and consequences need to be addressed for the crime they committed…i think they should serve time… they committed murder any way you want to look at it… murder is murder…. give these guys something to ponder about why they did what they did… what if that was your loved one that they killed… what would you expect or want

  6. According to scripture 12 yrs is the age of accountability that you should inexplicably know right from wrong, this was a premeditated act, murder should stay on the table, if there is any leniency, or mercy, let it be shown during sentencing for murder not manslaughter

  7. Vanessa, why are you made at mad a Leon? I agree with him. These teenagers knew that what they were doing was wrong. They deserve the death penalty! Other dumb *sswipes might think twice if these teens paid the price with their lives. They didn’t give their victim a second chance. They planned to do this in advance, atleast enough time to get and pick up the rocks. That’s premeditated MURDER!
    Why should society let them spend time in jail? One of my stepsons and a grandson went to jail many times. They spent their days watching TV, playing cards and working out while getting three meals a day and free healthcare at the taxpayers expense.

    If they are involved in a murder they should suffer the same fate as their victim.

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