
69-Year-Old Man Arrested After Stabbing Man In His Buttocks At LA Fitness Gym


A 69-year-old man, in Austin, Texas, has been charged with aggravated assault after he is said to have stabbed another member of a LA Fitness gym in Austin on Friday.

John David Makinson was apprehended after the incident that occurred at the gym on Anderson Lane. Records show that he stabbed the victim in the left buttocks with a 4 to 6-inch folding knife.

Authorities say that Makinson and the victim seemed to have had a disagreement over a leg pass machine. Following the stabbing, Makinson went after the victim through the locker room as the knife was still in his hands.

The victim experienced severe cuts, almost 4 inches long, resulting in him receiving medical attention, including staples and a blood transfusion.

Bystanders noted that Makinson had been screaming threats at others after the attack. A little while after that, he was detained by authorities.

In 2021, Makinson had been found guilty of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. Now, he has been charged with a second-degree felony.

Makinson remains in custody in Travis County on a $50,000 bond.

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