
911 Operator On The Run From Police


Precious Stephens, a 25 year-old 911 dispatcher from New Orleans, is being sought by authorities. She allegedly hung up on people who called the emergency number in order to receive assistance.

Stephens is looking at charges of malfeasance in office and interfering with an emergency communication in relation to a August 23 occurrence.

An investigation took place after the communications department noticed that something wasn’t right about Stephens’s phone calls. The issue came to light while analyzing “a random sampling of calls.”

Officials say not only did the woman disconnect calls, but she also transferred some to other emergency operators.

Officers can’t locate Stephens at the moment,  but said that she will be apprehended once she is found.

If found guilty of the charges, she could be sentenced to more than five years in prison and have fines to pay.


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