
Arlington First Grader Hospitalized After School Fight


A 6 year old was hospitalized earlier this week in Arlington after getting into a fight with another student that left him with a deep gash on his forehead.
The fight happened Monday at Sherrod Elementary School in Arlington, Tx. The mother, Raven West, says her first grade son was being bullied by another student that was trying to take his pop tart and the teacher did not help so she is demanding the teacher be held accountable.
West says her son told her that he asked the teacher for help and the teacher stated “That his teacher ignored him”, she was on her phone and told him to go basically where he was sitting” and that’s when him and the other student began shoving and pushing.
According to reports the school district feels the teacher did nothing wrong because the teacher stopped the fight, however when they left the classroom the boys began to fight again in the hallway and that’s when her son was injured. Thedistrict also says they followed all district protocols and procedures.
West met with the district representative Thursday evening privately. There is a video of the hallway incident that the district will let her watch to see what happened.
We will update this story as more information is obtained.

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