
Man Found Guilty of Continuous Sexual Abuse of a Young Child Sentenced to Life in Prison


Photo By Amy Bearden

42-year-old Geoffrey James Brown has been convicted of one count of Continuous Sexual Abuse of a Young Child and five counts of Indecency with a Child by Contact. The jury of eight women and four men took less than an hour to deliberate and return a gulity verdict on all six charges and sentenced him to the rest of his life in prison. Brown sexually abused his own children for years.

The jury was presented with three days of testimonies from law enforcement officers, forensic interviewers, medical experts, Brown’s ex-wife and two of his children. The evidence they jury had to endure was not easy to hear, the District Attoney (Kriste Burnett) was thankful the jury did the job asked of them.

“Those men and women had to listen to some extremely difficult testimony and evidence that I am sure was well outside their comfort zone. They did so attentively, and gave careful consideration to all of the evidence before reaching their verdicts,” said Burnett.

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