
Youth Football Coach Facing $500 Fine And Suspension After Team Blows Out Opponent


A Philadelphia youth football coach is facing suspension and a possible $500 fine after his team blew out their opponents Saturday.
Kyle Williams coaches for the Conshohocken Golden Bears youth football team and says he knew he was close to breaking the league rules over the weekend so he called for a timeout and put in his second string players in.
Well a 5 year old got the ball and ran to the end zone he said he tried running alongside the player asking him to fall but he kept running and scored a touchdown causing the score to be 36-0.
The league is made of players no older than 7 and prevents teams from scoring more than 30 points during a game.
It also is set to prevent injury and embarrassment for the losing team.
Williams brother in law and former Philadelphia Eagles player Torrey Smith heard about the incident and tweeted “We are building weak children.”

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