
Four-Day Workweek May Be Coming To America


America’s traditional 5-day workweek may never be the same if the Congressional Progressive Caucus has its way.

The 100-member group has gotten behind the “32-Hour Workweek Act.” This act promotes productivity, fair pay, and an improved quality of life for workers across the nation.

“After nearly two-year-long pandemic that forced millions of people to explore remote work options, it’s safe to say that we can’t-and shouldn’t- simply go back to normal, because normal wasn’t working,” stated Rep. Mark Takano (D-Calif.)

The bill, that was first brought to light in July, would not get rid of the 40-hour work week totally. However, it would force employers to pay their workers overtime after 32 hours.

Labor unions have supported the four-day workweek and some countries, including Iceland, have tried it out and have seen positive results. Many people experienced a greater well-being, a better work-life balance, a more cooperative spirit while on the job, and improved performance and productivity.

“It is past time that we put communities over corporations…,” stated Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.)

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