
IRS Discovers That Black Taxpayers Are Audited More Than Other Races


The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has found that Black taxpayers receive audits at a much greater rate than other races.

When researchers looked into the matter, they found that Black Americans are about five times more likely to have their federal tax returns audited than any other race of taxpayers.

After the discovery was made, lawmakers and policy experts launched an internal investigation.

Now, IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel has noted that the IRS will use $80 billion from the Inflation Reduction Act to research “any potential systematic bias in compliance strategies and treatments.” This will include modifying how tax returns are audited.

“Back in March, my colleagues and I raised alarms to the new IRS boss about Black taxpayers being over-audited, and today he confirmed our suspicions. The IRS is making strides, but extra audits of Black Americans is disgraceful and must end,” tweeted Rep. Bill Pascrell Jr.

The study has found that Black taxpayers are being audited more than other races because of an erroneous artificial intelligence algorithm that the IRS uses.


  1. It’s always been that way and now they say they just discovered this black people are questioned and audited for almost everything.

  2. So the IRS said that studies show blacks get audited more by the IRS lol them mf already knew that they came up with the system lol

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