
Officer Fatally Attacked By His Dog As He Waited To Stand Trial In The Death Of Three Teenagers


A police officer who was on house arrest was attacked and killed by his own dog. He was waiting to stand trial. The case was regarding one of Argentina’s most-known allegations of police abuse.

In 2019, police in Argentina fired shots at a car during a high speed chase. The car in pursuit slammed into a parked trailer. Three teens and one adult died.

Prosecutors say that the pursuit had no probable cause. After much criticism, 24 officers were charged. This was for either being a part of the incident or trying to assist with the cover up.

One of the highest-ranking officers that was charged was retired commissioner Claudio Martinez. After being attacked by his Rottweiler dog at his home, he died on May 10, 2022. He had suffered extreme blood loss because of an injury to his arm.

Martinez is alleged to have covered up the occurrence in 2019. He is also accused of not honoring his duties as a public official.

Early on May 20, 2019, Carlos Suarez, 22, Camila Lopez, 13, and Danilo Sansone, 13, were traveling in a vehicle. Gonzalo Dominguez, 14, and Rocio Quagliarello, 13, were also inside when they were shot at by police while on the ride. All the details on the incident still aren’t clear. Quagliarello is the only one who survived.

Civil unrest took place in San Miguel del Monte as many protestors demanded an investigation into the police chase. The incident became widely-known as the ‘Monte Massacre.’

It was said that three police officers pulled up to the car, displaying either a flashlight or a gun. The 22-year-old driver then drove off with the teenagers inside. Police began to fire multiple shots, and bullets were discovered at the scene of the crash. One bullet was found inside of Gonzalo Dominguez, 14.

In February 2021, 24 officers were charged. That is the majority of their department. Prosecutors say that there was no lawful reason to pursue or shoot at the victims. Three of the officers tried to conceal the matter.

Although one officer will not face justice, 23 others are still awaiting trial.

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