
Texas Baby-Sitter Charged With Raping 13-Year-Old Boy


Authorities are looking for a baby-sitter from Texas who is accused of raping a 13-year-old boy while her own son was asleep close to them. The victim told law enforcement officials that the woman told him to take the abuse “like a man,” and warned that she would cut off his penis with a knife if he told anyone.

The incident occurred in July 2021 even though 41-year-old Charlene Kornegay was just charged with aggravated sexual assault of a child this week.

Documents indicate that the teen was questioned in March 2022 by a therapist regarding what he endured. That’s when he disclosed that the Houston woman was taking care of him on July 11, 2021. She had made the boy put on her bra, dress, and high heel shoes after he had exited the shower at her condo.

The boy added that the sitter then took off the clothes and had sex with him in her child’s bedroom while the child was sleep.

The woman is accused of putting lotion on his ‘pee pee” and performed oral s.. on him as he was in the bathtub, documents read. After he asked her to stop, she finally did.

The 13-year-old eventually told his father what had happened after the woman had pleaded with the father to let his son come over to play with her son.

When the incident had occurred, the sitter had been serving a deferred sentence because of methamphetamine possession. She has previously been charged with theft and insurance fraud, as well.


  1. She’s a very sick individual so sad praying he can move on and have some type of normal life. Praying for this young man and his family!!

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