
To Much Greed Can Be Dangerous, $10,000 Down The Drain


An Australian man is upset and wants his money back after spending $10,000 dollars on toilet paper and hand sanitizer during the COVID-19 pandemic.
One man in particular decided to buy ten thousands dollars worth of toilet paper and hand sanitizer reported by Newswork in Australia.
That is an estimated amount of 150 bottles of hand sanitizers and 150 packs of toilet paper.
Now, he wants his money back but Drake’s supermarket refuses to give him his money.
The store director John-Paul Drake had these following words to comment, “The rest of my team [is] over this sort of behavior and having to police people taking more than they need- that’s a tough thing to deal with.”

The man has since tried many different ways to try and get rid of the excessive stock including trying to sell it online.

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