
UCF Football Player Let Go By Team Following Home Invasion Arrest


Justin Hodges, the University of Central Florida defensive back, has been let go by the team following his apprehension on a home invasion robbery with a firearm and mask charge.

Court records show that on Friday, Hodges was placed in the Orange County Jail on the first-degree felony charge.

A victim told authorities that multiple men, including Hodges, battered him last week after making entry into his residence in downtown Orlando. They used firearms to threaten him “in a very violent manner” and took his phone and recording equipment.

The victim’s ex-girlfriend had gone by the residence the day prior to this incident, wearing Hodges’ clothing. Police say that it seems that the victim threw the clothes out the window because they were located on a lower floor breezeway. The following day, the ex-girlfriend went back to the residence with Hodges and two other males. As the victim opened the door, he was pushed inside and hit in the face, documents note.

When being questioned by investigators, Hodges minimized his part in the confrontation, stating that he had just been assisting the ex-girlfriend with getting her belongings back.


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