
Black Man Receives A $400k Settlement After Beating By Officers


In April 2017, Demetrius Hollins was pulled over by Officers Michael Bongiovanni and Robert McDonald in Gwinnett County, Georgia.

Because Hollins was recording the unjustified traffic stop, they punched, kicked, and handcuffed him while he was on the ground.

One witness’s camera footage showed the then 22-year-old, college student. His hands were in the air as he gets out of his car. He is then seen taking blows by one officer, while the other officer, McDonald, runs and kicks Hollins in his head.

Hollins experienced neck burns, a cut lip, and extensive swelling and bruising on his face.

Now, Gwinnett County has decided to end the lawsuit filed by Hollins by reaching a $400,000 settlement with him.

“… My hope is that this lawsuit serves as a reminder that members of law enforcement need to treat people with respect. I shouldn’t be receiving justice simply because of a video,” Hollins noted.

One day after the incident, both officers were fired from their jobs. For testifying against McDonald, Bongiovanni got six-months in a work release program and 10 years probation. McDonald received a 10-year probation sentence, too.

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