
Former Doctor Attempts To Have His Wife Murdered Years After Serving Time For The Same Scheme


An ex-New York foot doctor planned to have his wife killed just months after he was freed from prison for having someone try to kill her once before.

49-year-old Ira Bernstein is said to have tried to get someone to kill his wife, Susan Bernstein. He then attempted to get rid of any proof of his plan by getting his sister, 40-year-old Jaclyn Godberg, to help him.

Between July and September of last year, Bernstein is accused of trying to get several people to kill Susan. This was right after serving four years in prison for trying to get a car salesman to fatally run over his wife and make it look accidental for $100,000 back in 2017.

Bernstein has been charged with criminal solicitation in the second degree, criminal solicitation in the fourth degree, tampering with physical evidence, and conspiracy in the fifth degree.

Goldberg has been charged with tampering with physical evidence, hindering the prosecution in the third degree, and conspiracy in the fifth degree.

After being sentenced to five to 15 years in prison, Bernstein was freed in July 2021.

Now, after Bernstein’s latest scheme, the prosecution phase of the matter is going forth again.


  1. They should lock him back up because clearly he didn’t learn anything. Next time he might succeed if they do not keep him locked up.

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