
Hundreds of Black Women Will Get $850 Per Month Income


Hundreds of Black women in Georgia will begin to receive over $800 a month. This will be in order to increase financial stability, mental health, and close the wealth gap.

650 Black women in the state will get $850 per month for two years. This will come from the Georgia Resilience and Opportunity Fund and nonprofit, GiveDirectly.

“In Her Hands,” will have ‘no strings attached.” It will start in early 2022 and will give out over $13 million.

The initial funds that will be given out will be for participants in Atlanta, in the Old Fourth community. There, income inequality is at an increased height.

Organizers say that Black women were more likely to lose their job or become evicted as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Studies have also revealed that 26% of Black women live in poverty compared to 14% of their white peers.

After receiving results of the first year’s study, beneficiaries were said to find employment twice as fast as nonrecipients. To add, participants’ emotional health and well-being improved over time.

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