
Woman’s French Bulldog Is Returned After It Was Stolen While On Walk


A woman in Washington D.C. has her French Bulldog back after he was taken while they were taking a walk.

On Saturday evening, the French Bulldog was stolen.

“To be honest, my heart hurts. I feel numb. I feel like Hendrix was my support dog. My anchor. And for that to be taken from me. It’s very draining. You know. So it’s taken a lot out of me to remain hopeful,” the dog’s owner, Teffiney Worthy had said.

A recording captured on Worthy’s doorbell camera depicts her coming back from a walk with Hendrix. Two vehicles then seemed to stop in front of her residence. A man then exited the car, went up to the door, stole Hendrix, and drove away.

Worthy added that the man threatened to kill her.

Then, on Tuesday morning, a woman messaged Worthy on Instagram and stated that she had her dog. However she said she didn’t know it had been stolen and that she could come get it for $900, since that’s what she paid for it.

Worthy contacted DC police who then followed up with the person who messaged her and went to the home and retrieved the puppy.

Now, she is just elated that Hendrix is back home.

This is at least the third time that a French Bulldog was stolen in the District: three were taken only two weeks ago, and two were stolen in early July but were later returned to the owner.

As of now, authorities have made no arrest and are still investigating the incident.

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