
Feces, Urine, And Cocaine Found In Home Of Student With “Kill List”


During a school threat investigation in Fort Pierce, Florida, last week, authorities found the conditions of a home very concerning.

On March 10, a 14-year-old student was apprehended after a “kill list” with 8 names was found on her phone.

Authorities had gone to the girl’s home to search for weapons that could be used to execute the school shooting. However, they discovered the living conditions to be extremely poor.

Police stated that the girl’s room smelled like urine and feces. Roaches were crawling all over her walls, floors, animal cages, and animal food.

Additionally, a little dead lizard was found in the tank that the girl stated had been there for a long time. The girl’s mattress was covered in animal feces, as well.

A deputy noted that the bathroom was filthy and filled with roaches. The kitchen had dishes piled up in the sink, and the refrigerator was extremely dirty.

The mother, Brooke Hinkle, granted authorities permission to look in her room. There, they found crack cocaine, a crack pipe, and marijuana.

Hinkle, 40, was arrested. She has been charged with child neglect, possession of cocaine, and possession of drug paraphernalia.

The teen was charged with making threats.


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