
Fort Worth Mother No Longer Facing Eviction After Shooting and Killing 14-Year-Old Intruder


The mother who shot and killed a 14-year-old boy that was breaking into her Fort Worth home will not be evicted.

Aleah Wallace and her 4 daughters were home December 14, 2023 when a young male broke into their home. Wallace, who had already reported previous break-ins and burglary, took matter into her own hands and defended her home.

The boy was fatally struck and pronounced deceased. Following the incident, Wallace’s property managers said she would be evicted after violating a rule of not being allowed to own a gun.

The state of Texas, however, passed a bill in 2019 in which property owners are not allowed to prevent their tenants and residents from owning a gun and protecting their home.

Thus, the mom and her 4 daughters are no longer facing an eviction. In addition, the FWPD has not filed any criminal charges against Wallace.


  1. Good!! Don’t try to break in and you wont get shot. People raise your children better! Dads! Stick around and raise your kids properly!

  2. I am so hlad to hear this. Yes I’m sorry the young boy lost his life. Breaking into someone’s home is also against the law. What were you trying to still thst you couldn’t have gotten a job cutting grsss or something to buy for yourself. What about his parents where were they that time of morning? IJS

  3. See what happens when the black community comes together and fight back ….the damage we can do if we all came together as one

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