
Texas Teen Charged With Murdering Gas Station Clerk


A 17 year old is being charged with murder after he killed a gas station clerk in Humble, Texas.

The incident happened Friday at a Sunoco off I-59, around 11:30 a.m., when 17 year old Mario Young and another individual walked into the gas station and stole a bag of chips.

The store clerk, 42 year old Asif Maknojia, confronted Young and followed them out the store. He then got inside of a vehicle and began to follow the teens.

According to authorities shots were fired and Maknojia was later found dead.

On Sunday Young and the other teen turned themselves into Humble police for questioning. The other teen was questioned and released with no charges.

Young who refused to speak to authorities was arrested and charged with murder. He is being held in Harris County jail on a $100,000 bond.

Before turning himself in Young reached out to community activist Quanell X and said he is claiming self defense.


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