
Bill Gates Warns Of Pandemics Worse Than COVID-19 In The Future


Bill Gates, who predicted the COVID-19 outbreak back in 2015, warns of more pandemics in the future.

Gates has tried to emphasize urgency to the governments in hopes they will spend the necessary money. According to Gates it would cost billions to prevent the spread of future diseases and pandemics which could be far more deadly than COVID-19.

“As the world responds to the challenge of a rapidly evolving virus, the need to deliver new, lifesaving tools has never been more urgent,” Gates said last week.

He also goes on to explain the different kind of pandemics we could face in the future.

“Also, related to pandemics is something people don’t like to talk about much, which is bioterrorism, that somebody who wants to cause damage could engineer a virus. So that means the chance of running into this is more than just the naturally caused epidemics like the current one.”

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is giving $300 million to the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations which helped deliver vaccines to low income countries. 

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