
Former Texas Judge And His Wife Shot And Killed By Their Son


A former judge and his wife, in Williamson County, Texas, were fatally shot by their son at their residence on Sunday evening.

Now, 45-year-old Seth Carnes has been apprehended and is facing capital murder charges for killing his parents. They have been identified as Alfred “Burt” Carnes and Susan H. Carnes, both 74.

On Jan. 8, at about 11: 40 p.m., a woman had called authorities and stated that her father had shot her grandfather.

Officers then went to a residence, right outside of the city of Georgetown. That’s when they saw Seth Carnes leaving the location and detained him. He is said to have told authorities that he had just shot and killed his parents.

When deputies went inside the home, they discovered Alfred Carnes on his back on the living room floor. They had also seen Susan Carnes in an upstairs bedroom in the converted garage, a black shotgun, and spent shell casings in the kitchen area.

Alfred Carnes was seen with wounds to his left elbow, forearm, and his rib cage. Susan Carnes was discovered with bandages on or close to her left shoulder and left collarbone, applied by first responders. They were both declared deceased at the scene.

Court documents show that Seth Carnes told authorities that he doesn’t really recall what had occurred. However, he did say that he had shot his parents with a shotgun that he kept by his nightstand.

Carnes stated that he had thought that his mother was attempting to place a sleeping pill in his mouth, and he didn’t want to consume it. He added that he had no other motive to shoot his mother.

When questioned about why he shot his father, he stated, “I’ve just been looking for something and figured I would finish the job,” documents note.

An investigation is on-going.


  1. Wow. I shot the law and the law didnt win. Wow. How do you kill your own parents. And thats coming from a guy who’s parents were absolute garbage.

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