
Principal Taken Into Custody After Paddling Student


59-year-old Jeffery Hogg, the principal of Overton High School, in Overton, Texas, is said to have paddled a student hard enough to leave lasting scars.

On Wednesday, Hogg was apprehended for assault causing bodily injury.

Documents show that on August 14, Hogg paddled a female student, hitting her three times. After three days, bruises could still be seen.

The following day, the student and her mother filed a complaint with authorities. Documents show that the student chose to receive corporal punishment as a consequence of an action at school. Additionally, the mother agreed to the corporal punishment, as well.

Reports show that the student stated that the “second lick was harder than the first, and she never hurt like that before.” The girl is said to have changed her mind after receiving the strike. However, Hogg stated that she would go to in-school suspension if she didn’t take the last hit. After her mother urged her to do so, the girl accepted the last strike.

As a nurse looked at the girl’s bruises, she noted that the injuries were swollen and extensive. A physician from the Forensic Assessment Center Network documented that the bruises were consistent with child abuse.

Hogg was placed in the Rusk County Jail and was freed the same day.


  1. He’s doing just as he is supposed to do as the principal.
    If she can’t feel the pain from a paddling the won’t learn anything from her actions.

  2. Soft ass kids with some punk ass parents. Paddling needs to come back cause some of these kids need that structure in their life. But here come the super parent too the reacue.

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