
Woman, Pregnant With Twins, Set On Fire By Boyfriend


Devonne Marsh, 41, was arguing with his girlfriend who is pregnant with twins. He is accused of then setting her on fire.

The 26-year-old woman suffered third-degree burns on 60 percent of her body. She allegedly didn’t report the incident because she was scared. However, a tipster called officers to alert them.

Authorities say that Marsh threw lighter fluid on the woman before setting her ablaze at their residence, on January 14, in Detroit, Michigan.

The victim, who is six months pregnant, is in critical condition, and it is unknown if the twins will live.

Marsh faces charges of assault with a deadly weapon and assault with the intent to commit bodily harm less than murder. He also faces a weapons misdemeanor charge.

He was arrested, and his bond is $50,000.

His previous offenses include guns, drugs, and assault charges.


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