
Frisco Police Officer Mistakenly Conducts High-Risk Traffic Stop


On the morning of Sunday, July 23, 2023, a police officer with Frisco PD saw a black Dodge Charger with an out-of-state license plate, leaving a hotel. Because there has been an increase in burglaries and thefts where Chargers are often stolen, the officer performed a computer check of the car’s Arkansas license plate. But, when the license plate information was put into the system, it was entered wrong out of Arizona. This mistake led to an incorrect registration return, making the officer think that the car may have been stolen.

At the Dallas North Tollway, the officer then initiated a high-risk traffic stop. Once backup officers were on the scene, the southbound lanes were shut down so that the high-risk stop could be conducted. The driver and a backseat passenger were made to get out the car. After that, a Frisco Police Department sergeant arrived to the location. The sergeant saw that a mistake was taking place and swiftly made officers “stand down” and brought the high- risk stop to an end.

That same day, an incident review was conducted to see how the error occurred and how it could be prevented in the future, including training points on how to accurately enter information.

Frisco Police Chief David Shilson apologized for the mistake and said that the officer involved quickly took responsibility for what happened. He also stated that he has spoken with the family, and it is understandable that they are angry.


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